The Mommy Break Project

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Week #45 of 52: Birthday Wishes

February 8th is one of my favorite days of the year because it is my birthday!  I love celebrating my birthday and helping others celebrate theirs.  I take the day so seriously that I make sure I take the day off at work, if it falls on a weekday,  so that I can truly enjoy the day on my terms.  This birthday felt extra special because I am celebrating my last year in my 30s.  Birthdays are instaneous mommy breaks because you can plan the day on your terms. For the last couple of years I have made birthdays spa days to regroup and rejuvenate and fortunately.  This year was no different.  I started the day with school drop off, a massage and mani/pedi and lunch with a friend.  I ended the day with a fabulous dinner and drinks with my husband.  I could not have asked for a more prefect way to spend my  birthday.  

Enjoying dinner at Le Colonial


Here are my birthday wishes for my 39th year of life: 

  • Better organization:  I love my Passion Planner.  I need to maximize its full utility so that I can feel like I have a handle on my day, week, and month. 
  • Sticking to a schedule: I have to do better with leaving the house on time every day and maintaining a set routine.  My children have become victim to my inability to consistently do this. 
  • Stronger intention on my health and wellness:  I have been going to work out regularly and it has become a habit.  Now, I just need to marry that with consistent, healthy eating habits to really achieve the results I want. 
  • More attentive parenting: My children say and do some awesome things.  I want to slow down a little so that I can enjoy all of the small and big moments before they disappear. 
  • More attentive “wifing”:  Marriage requires daily investment.  Sometimes, I am feeling lazy.  My marriage is worth the daily investments. 
  • Continue to have grace with myself: I am not always going to be the perfect mom, perfect wife, be organized, stay on schedule, workout regularly, or eat perfectly, and that’s ok.